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If you accidentally spill paint on your laminate floors, worry not! There are easy solutions to fix it without causing any damage. Before you start painting, protect your floor with cardboard or a tarp. It’s a simple step that can save you from the headache of dealing with unwanted paint later on. If paint does end up on your laminate floors, act quickly. For wet paint, use a damp rag to wipe it away. If it’s dry, try gentle alternatives like soapy water before resorting to harsh chemicals.

Following a user-friendly guide on how to get paint off of laminate floors can help even beginners achieve satisfactory results and restore the floor to its original condition.

How to get spray paint off laminate floor


Removing paint from laminate flooring can be done with care to avoid damage. Here are the proven methods suggested by experts;

With Homemade Solution

To remove dried paint from laminate floors using a homemade solution, start by cleaning the area with a broom or vacuum to prevent scratches. Prepare the solution by mixing equal parts water, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar, adding a few drops of dish soap until suds form.

Apply the solution to the paint, ensuring thorough coverage. Beforehand, make sure the surrounding area is free of debris. Gently scrape the paint off at an angle to avoid damage. This homemade remedy effectively tackles both water-based and oil-based paints, offering a simple and safe solution for restoring your laminate floors.

Nail Polish Remover

When dealing with stubborn paint on laminate floors, nail polish remover can be a helpful alternative if your homemade solution doesn’t do the trick. Specifically, acetone-based nail polish remover proves effective in loosening latex paint over time, allowing it to easily come off. 

Apply nail polish remover to the painted section, allowing it to sit for a few minutes. Then, try wiping off the paint. If it doesn’t come off initially, don’t be disheartened; it may require a few attempts for the remover to work completely. If nail polish remover doesn’t work, there are other options to consider below.


Window cleaner, often containing ammonia, is a good option for getting paint off laminate floors. Ammonia can break down various paint ingredients, including those found in latex paint. If your DIY solution didn’t work, or if you don’t have the ingredients, try using an ammonia-based window cleaner.

Before applying the cleaner, make sure to clean the floor to remove any potential scratches. Apply the window cleaner, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub the floor with a soft cloth or brush. Use gentle materials to avoid scratching. If the window cleaner doesn’t do the trick, you can also try paint thinner or mineral spirits, but test them on a small spot first. Ensure good ventilation in the room.

In tough cases, especially with oil-based paint, a window cleaner with ammonia can be quite effective. The ammonia breaks down the paint components, making it easier to deal with. Whether the paint is dry or not, a window cleaner can be a helpful solution for paint removal from laminate floors.

Paint Remover

Paint removers, designed to lift latex paint splatters, are a go-to for dealing with paint on laminate floors. They work well in many cases, but if household options fall short, consider getting a paint remover from the hardware store. It’s important to note that these won’t be effective for oil-based paint stains.

Alternatively, you can apply paint thinner and then use a scraper or putty knife to remove the paint.


To start removing paint from laminate floors, begin with a degreaser. While it may take a few attempts to completely get rid of the paint, you’ll see improvement right away with the first application.

Important: Keep in mind that a degreaser is a strong chemical, so only use it as a last resort. If you choose to use it, spray some on a rag, then carefully wipe or scrub the affected area. Avoid applying too much directly to the flooring, as it could potentially cause damage depending on the quality of the floor.

For removing spray paint specifically, gather a floor degreaser, gloves, goggles, and a broom. Begin by sweeping the floor to collect tiny paint particles. After that you can dip a sponge into the floor degreaser, gently rub it on the paint spots, and then wipe it off. This method helps to loosen and effectively remove the paint. You can also try a scrub brush for stubborn paint, and repeat the process if needed.

How to Remove Paint from Laminate Flooring? The Easiest Way!

Remove Paint From Laminate Flooring

Getting rid of paint stains on laminate flooring can be a bit tricky, but with the right steps, you can do it effectively without causing any damage. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove paint from laminate flooring:

Act Quickly:

If you’ve accidentally spilled paint on your laminate floor, it’s crucial to act promptly. Act quickly to remove paint from your laminate floor before it dries

Open Windows:

Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows. This helps in dissipating fumes from any cleaning solutions you might use.

Identify Paint Type:

Figure out if the paint is water-based or oil-based, as each needs a different cleaning approach. 

Clean the Laminate Floor:

Start by cleaning the entire floor with mild detergent and warm water. This step removes any dirt or debris that might scratch the surface during the paint removal process.

Remove Excess Paint:

Gently eliminate excess paint with a plastic scraper or putty knife, making sure to avoid any harm to the laminate.

Apply Cleaning Solution:

Create a solution based on the paint type – soapy water for water-based paint, mild solvent for oil-based

Allowing the Solution to Work:

Give the solution some time to sit on the paint stain, effectively softening it for easier removal. 

Scrub and Tweeze:

You can gently scrub the paint with a soft cloth or sponge. For smaller, stubborn areas, employ tweezers or scrape cautiously to prevent any potential damage to the laminate. 

Repeat as Needed:

Persistently repeat the process until the paint stain disappears, exercising patience throughout.

Use Isopropyl Alcohol:

You can use a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a clean cloth and rub into the stained area to remove dried stubborn paint stains. Ensure you test it in a rough spot first to avoid any damage.

Detail with Cotton Swabs or Toothbrush:

In tight spaces, use cotton swabs or an old toothbrush to precisely clean without affecting the surrounding floor. 

Overall Floor Cleanup:

After successful paint removal, thoroughly clean the entire floor with a damp, clean cloth to eliminate any residue or cleaning solution.


Successfully removing paint from laminate flooring requires a combination of prompt action, appropriate cleaning solutions, and gentle techniques. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively restore your laminate floor to its pristine condition without causing any lasting damage.

Rosalie Sanchez-Holapaints writer and owner

Rosalie Sanchez

DIY enthusiast with years of experience in home decor and home improvement. With a passion for educating consumers about DIY projects. Every time, I work with our painting professionals to provide you with the best painting product reviews and how-to advice. You can follow me on Facebook.

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